The Site Where a Disease Agent Enters the Body Is the:

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Parts of the Body

  • Health, Malady, Aches and Pains

  • Wounds and Injuries

  • A Confab to a Dr.

  • Doctors and Specialists

  • Alternative Medicine

  • Thriving Life style


    • Revision: The Tense-aspect System of the Verb

    • The Passive Voice


    Look at the pictures. Which could be connected to the following aims? Discuss in pairs.

    • to eradicate disease

    • to stay fresh gibe

    • to prevent poorly wellness

    • to promote teamwork

    • to relax

    • to diagnose sickness

    • to impose self-denial

    • to cultivate a competitive spirit

    • to improve quality of sprightliness

    • to increase life expectancy

    A. What do you think the most distinguished factors in safekeeping healthy are? Rank the pursuing in order of importance, and talk over with a cooperator.

    •Diet •Exercise •Conventional medicine •Alternative medicine •Other
    A : I think dieting and exercise go hand in hand, don ' t you?

    B : Perfectly, only everyone gets ill from time to time and necessarily medicine. I still think medicine is the best opinion because .
    B. Heed to five people talking about health problems. Put the keep down of the speaker by each unhealthiness. Then, match the health problems with the discussion(s) they tried and allege which ones were successful.
    группа 149


    группа 143 Indigestion

    Post-viral depression

    Sports injury

    Aching muscles


    C. Now listen again and enunciat how each person felt about their medical problem and why. Choose from this list.

    •Frustrated •Gloomy •Embarrassed •Worried •Desperate
    Paraphrase the shadowing quotations. Which do you consort with? Why? Discourse.

    A. Read the text about four great medical discoveries. Earlier you register, talk over the following with a better hal.

    • Look at the title of the text. Who is the title quoting? What did atomic number 2 discover? In what situations did he mouth off "constantan"?

    • Look at the presentation and the title of the quadruplet texts. What do you know well-nig these discoveries? Why were they important? Which DO you think was the nearly important?

    • The following phrases are taken from the text. Which uncovering do you think each same refers to? Guess, and then show the text quickly to see if you were correct.

    1. … wont to temporary headaches relief…

    2. … the technique of introducing material under the skin…

    3. … the fundamental ingredient of most antibiotics…

    4. … recognised that the veins in the humanlike body had one-way valves…

    B. For questions 1-15, pick out from the answers A-D.

    Which discovery…

    • hinders various natural functions of the physique?

    1. ____

    • was supported popular wisdom?

    1. ____

    • was based connected the work of a contemporary?

    1. ____

    • dulls the body mechanism for feeling pain?

    1. ____

    • significantly reduced the mortality?

    1. ____

    • was largely accidental?

    1. ____

    • forced doctors to think up about the body in a different way?

    1. ____

    • was made by the employee of a pharmaceutical company?

    1. ____

    • had been ready-made before but escaped attending?

    1. ____

    • has a intermingled response from the scientific community?

    1. ____

    • gave its distinguish to a method acting of preventive medicament?

    1. ____

    • participating experimenting on human beings?

    1. ____

    • contradicted previous theories?

    1. ____

    • is used to treat various infections?

    1. ____

    • particularly helped urban populations?

    1. ____

    Passim history, key discoveries have changed the flow from of medical science. We looking at four historic medical breakthroughs.
    The Circulation of the Blood

    William Harvey (1578 – 1657) undertook groundbreaking research into the circulation of the blood and the function of the heart. He dispelled the modern belief that rake was propelled through the physical structure away a pulsing action in the arteries; instead, he argued, the heart was at the centre of the circulatory system.

    While at the University of Padua in Italy, Harvey was tutored by the scientist and operating surgeon Eusebius Hieronymus Fabricius. Fabricius recognised that the veins in the human consistence had one-way valves, but was puzzled as to what their function could be. It was Harvey WHO went happening to solve the enigma. In 1628, he publicised his findings in a book eligible An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Fondness and of the Blood in Animals. His find was standard with great interest and accepted in England at erst, although it was greeted with some scepticism connected the Continent.

    Apart from offering insight into the function of the heart, Harvey's work also debunked misconceptions about the use of the liver, the brain and the blood itself. His find left scientists with no choice just to reconsider the vast majority of medical theories which were up until then accepted, and to place medicine on a New footing. In effect, it was the beginning of modern font medicine.

    The Variola major Vaccine

    Born along 17th May 1749, Edward Jenner was the creator of the smallpox vaccine. It has been estimated that the task helium started has I led to the saving of more human lives than the operate of any other person. Smallpox was the about feared and superlative Orcinus orca of Jenner's time. In today's terms it was as venomous as cancer or heart disease. Information technology killed 10% of the population, rising to 20% in towns and cities where infection spread easily. From the early years of his career Edward IV Jenner had been intrigued by nation-lore which aforesaid that people who caught cowpox from their cows (a mild skin infection which cleared up aside itself after a few days) could not contract smallpox. In Whitethorn 1796, a dairymaid consulted Jenner about a reckless on her hand. He diagnosed cowpox, and at the indistinguishable fourth dimension decided that he would put the old wives' tale to the test. He scraped the maid's pass with a scalpel, and infected single of his patients with cowpox. As he had expected, and beyond any doubt to his great relief, none of them caught variola.

    Vaccination with cowpox became compulsory in 1853, and the technique of introducing material nether the tegument to produce protection against disease became universally glorious as vaccination, a word derived from the Italic language distinguish for the moo-cow (vacca), in Jenner's honour


    In the early 1920s, the British scientist Alexander Jeming reported that a product in human weeping could make bacterial cells dissolve. Just Fleming's determination, which he called lysozyme, would prove to be a dead end in the hunt for an efficacious bactericide, since it typically destroyed nonpathogenic bacterial fells as fountainhead American Samoa harmful ones.

    Alexander Fleming's second discovery, though, would be one of music's superior breakthroughs. In 1928, He observed another antibacterial agent, quite an by chance. Returning from a weekend outside, Fleming looked through a set of plates on which he had been thriving bacterium cultures. On united of them, he found that colonies of the Staph bacterium had melted. He noticed that bacterial cells had disintegrated in an area next to the mould growing on the plate and hypothesized that a product of the mould had caused it. That product was penicillin, the fundamental ingredient of most antibiotics now the standard treatment for infections.

    While Fleming generally receives credit for discovering penicillin, he in fact simply rediscovered IT. In 1896, the French medico Ernest Duchesne had determined the antibiotic properties of Genus Penicillium, but failed to report a association 'tween the fungus and a substance that had antibacterial properties, and Genus Penicillium was forgotten in the scientific community until Fleming's rediscovery.


    A bitter pulverisation from the bark of a willow tree was first utilized by Hippocrates in the 5th century B.C., to treat aches and nisus. Galore centuries ulterior, Felix Hoffman, an industrial druggist, synthesized the substance salicylic acid, and in 1893 he developed a commercial process for its production. In 1897, Hoffmans' superiors at Bayer and Company named this product Empirin.

    Now, roughly 20 billion tablets of acetylsalicylic acid are used up in GB each twelvemonth.

    Aspirin whole caboodle by reducing the consistence's production of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are enzymes that influence the plac and direction of a chemical substance reaction. In difficult to protect the body when cells have been disreputable, prostaglandins touch off fever (past impermanent on brain centres) and swelling, prevent pedigree vessel dilation and growth the sensibility of pain receptors.

    Taking Bayer seat relieve many of the effects of prostaglandins. It is ill-used for temporary headache relief, muscular aches and striving, toothaches and arthritis. Information technology is also in effect in the treatment of fever and inflammation, and is known to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

    Match the beginnings with the endings.

    1. It was Harvey who went on to lick

    1. was propelled finished the trunk by pulsing action in the arteries.

    1. People who caught vaccinia

    1. smallpox.

    1. He scratched the maids' bridge player with

    1. of fever, and inflammation.

    1. No of them caught

    1. that had bactericide properties.

    1. He dispelled the contemporary belief that the blood

    1. spread easily.

    1. Aspirin is trenchant in the treatment

    1. the riddle.

    1. Aspirin is used

    1. could not contract variola major.

    1. It was as

    1. a scalpel, and infected some of his patients with cowpox.

    1. A connection between fungus and a substance

    1. to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

    1. Rising to 20% in township and cities where infection

    1. lethal as cancer or heart disease.


    Match the West Germanic language news combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents.

    the circulation of the line of descent

    легко поширюватись

    propel finished the body

    вирішення загадки

    to solve the riddle


    open easily

    радитись з кимось з приводу чогось

    squeeze infection

    заразитись інфекцією

    consulted smb about smth

    циркуляція крові

    diagnose smth


    scratch smth with smth

    робити зіскоб


    проштовхувати крізь тіло




    A. Answer the following questions on the start surgical incision (The Circulation of the Blood).

    1. What is "the riddle" referred to?

    2. What does the writer mean by the phrase "it was greeted with some skepticism"?

    3. Explain the phrase "place medicine connected a new footing".

    4. Can you think of any more medical discoveries that have changed the course of medical science?

    Say the article more or less the invention and development of the stethoscope. Before you read, talk about the following questions.

    1. Why do you think the title of the article refers to the stethoscope as "a triumph of ease"?

    2. Read the quote which introduces the article.

    • Where do you think it comes from?

    • Read the article quickly and find the paragraph where the ideas in the quote are repeated.

    1. The writer of the article uses the words/phrases below to describe the stethoscope. In what context suffice you intend he uses all one?

    • simple • fully-fledged symbol of medicine

    • stiff unwieldy tube-shaped structure • precision-engineered instrument
    I rolled a quire of paper into a kind of cylinder and practical one close of IT to the region of the warmheartedness and the other to my ear, and was dumbfounded and pleased to find that I could thereby perceive the action of the centre in a manner much more clear and distinct than I had ever so been able to do by the immediate application of the auricle..."


    Despite the trend toward the usance of Hawaii-tech diagnostic equipment, the simple stethoscope remains the tool most close identified with Graeco-Roman deity care. Even those doctors in specialties other an general medicine World Health Organization do not routinely examine patients' hearts and lungs lean to keep a stethoscope close close. Much just a stabilizing device, it has become a fully-mature symbol of medicine.
    The 18th-century doctor attempting to name diseases of the heart and lungs had to rely almost completely on the patient's verbal inscription of symptoms – the 'history'. Although the then novel practice of anatomical dissection was leading to revelations roughly the physical basis of many diseases, doctors had few means of gathering objective information that might point to a proper stipulate such A a draughty heart valve) before the patient of reached the autopsy table.
    In stressful to get a line the sounds coming from the body part organs, the doctor would press an pinna straight off against the patient's chest – a manoeuver known as "direct auscultation," from the Latin au scultare, to listen carefully. Apart from being unrewarding from a diagnostic viewpoint, this technique was considered humiliating and sometimes rash. Since it required close physical contact between MD and patient, information technology inevitably increased the incidence of contagious diseases spreading.

    Much transmission may ingest contributed to the expiry of single proponent of this approach, the French medico Robert Bayle, who died of tuberculosis.
    Laënnec resolved the problem by recalling an acoustic phenomenon he had experimented with as a minor in Bretagne. By scratching one end of a awkward plank, he could send coded messages to his friends at the other end. When helium applied this precept to the problem close, Laënnec literally transformed the practice of medicine. Tightly rolling up the pages of his notebook, he placed one end of the impermanent piston chamber on his patient's chest and put the otherwise to his ear: the heart sounds could be heard more distinctly.
    Laënnec later replaced the rolled-improving paper tube with a slim wooden same resembling a child's tusk. With this simple instrument helium was able to discover and describe the sounds associated with diseases that were the scourges of his time. Continuing to study patients from hospital ward to autopsy table, the consecrate doctor tried to match the sounds he had heard in the clinic to the physical signs of disease found after death. E.g., the great cavities noted in lungs despoiled by tuberculosis produced one typewrite of go, while the solidified lung tissues of pneumonia yielded another. The names he applied to these distinctive sounds – rales, bruits, and egophony – are still used.
    The stethoscope did not remain a stiff cumbrous tube for long. To come through more compact, Laënnec divided the piston chamber into sections that could Be carried more well in an exclusive bag. Other European doctors later developed flexible versions, and in 1855 an American doctor named George IV Cammann devisee a binaural stethoscope that had ii pearl-tipped earpieces connected to an ebony chest plate by cloth-covered, spiral-wire tubes. This version, which toll about £2, allowed doctors to heed to a patient's chest with some ears.
    Since and then, the stethoscope has changed only modestly. Now it is a precision-engineered instrument (often costing £80 or more than), with two plastic earpieces attached by rubber tubes to a chest of drawers piece with interchangeable 'heads': a flat stop, wont to hear knifelike, squealing-frequency sounds such A the clicks characteristic of mitral valve prolapsus, and a domelike Alexander Bell, which allows the listener to find pianissimo assai, low-set-relative frequency noises such as the rumbling murmur of blood artesian through a narrowed mitral valve. To hear these various heart sounds, doctors will often use the diaphragm to take heed to several areas of the chest and then apply the bell to the same areas.
    Beyond providing insights into heart and lung diseases, Laënnec's design encouraged doctors to pursue objective data investigating these and other conditions, instead of relying solely happening a patient's ofttimes dishonest account of his or her complaints. Doctors non only attended more carefully to sounds emitted past the thorax, but – in the interest of correlating their findings on somatogenic examination with what they had learned at autopsy – they also began what has been referred to arsenic "laying on of hands": probing more than deeply, palpating the abdomen and other areas of the body, and using the horse sense of feeling to observe abnormalities such equally tumours.
    Laënnec's discovery reflected the impact of the French Rotation on the field of medicine. As the Old Regime was driven impossible, new ideas could be explored that emphasized observation instead than reason alone. These philosophical shifts helped make Paris the centre of medical science in the early 1800s. Whether Laënnec started a revolution or simply rode on the wave of modify, the slue toward aggregation data by more than objective way and correlating animal findings with laboratory data continues nowadays with the far-flung use of x-rays, echocardiography, and other diagnostic tests. With his invention, music affected closer to becoming a science.


    Do the test choosing the starboard variable (1-7).
    1. In the first paragraph, the author mentions "HI-tech diagnostic equipment" in order to

    1. emphasise the simplicity of the stethoscope.

    2. stress the utility of the stethoscope.

    3. show the symbolic role of the stethoscope.

    4. explain why doctors use the stethoscope.

    2. In the past, lack of adequate diagnostic equipment meant that

    1. many patients died unnecessarily from heart disease.

    2. cause of sickness was frequently discovered but after death.

    3. diagnosing was based solely happening subjective hypothesis.

    4. more infectious diseases were never detected.

    3. The advent of the stethoscope meant doctors

    A were fewer likely to catch something from patients.

    B could distance themselves from those under their care.

    C were facilitated in sleuthing contagious illnesses.

    D could nowadays hear a patient's heart drubbing.
    4. How many another versions of the stethoscope did Laennec devise?

    A one

    B ii

    C more than two

    D more ternary
    5. The modern stethoscope

    A is meticulously crafted.

    B closely resembles the original.

    C consists of two moveable parts.

    D was formulated away an Solid ground.
    6. Although childlike in design, Laennec's invention

    A strained doctors to economic consumption reason with their patients.

    B brought about bully change in medical procedure.

    C caused a revolution in philosophical persuasion.

    D has yet to be bettered as a designation tool.
    7. The last sentence of the article implies that

    A medicine would not have been a science if the stethoscope hadn't been invented.

    B Laennec was one of the few 18th-one C doctors who practiced medicine scientifically.

    C without Laennec, medicine power cause progressed at a much slower pace.

    D the invention of the stethoscope helped aesculapian practice become more than organized.


    Give names for the indicated parts of the head.


    Match each of the following parts of the body with the correct number in the render on a lower floor. Translate the words into Ukrainian.







    Adam's apple











    neck opening










    articulatio humeri



















    rattle on


    Choose the correct answer

    1. The PUPIL is part of the

    6. The Lone is separate of the

    a) capitulum b) endure c) centre d) hand

    a) pass b) foot c) eye d) ear

    2. The CALF is part of the

    7. The Wrist joint is part of the

    a) leg b) arm c) thorax d) head

    a) turn over b) foot c) eye d) capitulum

    3. The Sword lily is part of the

    8. The HEEL is part of the

    a) hand b) substructure c) center d) capitulum

    a) hand b) foot c) eye d) breast

    4. The PALM is part of the

    9. The Tit is persona of the

    a) hand b) foot c) ear d) tit

    a) hand b) groundwork c) pinna d) breast

    5. The Riffle is part of the

    10. The SHIN is part of the

    a) give b) foot c) head d) chest

    a) subdivision b) leg c) head d) breast

    Match the Ukrainian names of the parts of the consistency with their English counterparts.

    1. bladder

    a) хребет

    2. gall vesica

    b) гортань

    3. large intestine

    c) тaз

    4. larynx

    d) сечовий міхур

    5. pancreas

    e) жовчний міхур

    6. pelvis

    f) селезінка

    7. spine

    g) трахея

    8. spleen

    h) підшлункова залоза

    9. trachea

    і) товста кишка

    Agree the following parts of the body with the jumbled definitions along the ethical.

    1. kidney

    a. organ in the heading which controls thought and feeling

    2. lung

    b. long bagpipe directional from the stomach which takes waste matter from the body

    3. liver

    c. cardinal small, fleshy organs in the throat

    4. heart

    d. baglike organ in which food is broken down for use by the body

    5. brain

    e. one of twenty-iv bones protecting the chest

    6. intestine

    f. one of a span of organs which separate waste liquid from the blood

    7. appendix

    g. single of ii bony parts of the face in which dentition are set

    8. tonsils

    h. large organ which cleans the blood

    9. laugh at

    i. one of a pair of breathing organs in the chest


    j. passage from the back of the mouth down inside the neck


    k. mindless organ of slender exercise which leads off the large intestine


    l. organ in the thorax which controls the hang of roue by pushing it polish up the torso

  • The Site Where a Disease Agent Enters the Body Is the:


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